Detailed information
SQl inject here :'
P.S BU tipli saytlarla parolu elde atmek sansi 0% di ama sql manualla elde elemek olur sifreleri
21 October 2016, 13:15
Vulnerability status
Have not any information from source -
04 October 2016, 10:02
Added point to Vulnerability
For translate of bug gived 6 point to translator -
04 October 2016, 10:02
Added point to Vulnerability
For translate of bug gived 1 point to translator -
18 August 2016, 09:55
Vulnerability status
Sended e-mail to source about vulnerability -
11 June 2016, 15:52
Added point to Vulnerability
Moderator gave 6 point from 10 to vulnerability -
11 June 2016, 15:51
Vulnerability status
Confirmed by Moderator -
08 June 2016, 13:19
Vulnerability changed
Vulnerability "SQL injection" changed -
07 June 2016, 10:49
Vulnerability added
Vulnerability added to BUGemot